Skills & Services

Available to work or foster connections in content creation, education, tutoring, and advising in all things cinema.

To contact for rates, services, and questions regarding collaboration visit the email submission form.

Hire for land, air, or water… Comedy, Drama, or Dance. 😝

From Film Sets to Content Creator.

Professor at Miami Dade College Kendall Campus, and CEO of production company J. Tuf Productions, LLC., an expanding company currently working on preproduction for a narrative film, music marketing services, and unique offerings for what it means to be a camera operator.

Fundamentals of Cinematography

Industry-Standard Equipment & Procedures

Screenwriting Tutoring and Inspiration

Actor Craft & Development

Marketing and Networking

Camera Operation Gigs

Music Promotion

Reach out to collaborate today!

Through the courage it takes to leap into adventure, the skill it takes to capture a story honestly, and the heart that is revealed in the process…

Joe believes discipline fosters greatness, and it wouldn’t be worth it if it wasn’t “Tuf”.